Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries calls for passion, patience, and faithfulness – pointing out the sacred in the midst of the chaos of adolescence and walking faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult. Youth Ministries is a bridging ministry of education, connection, formation, and hopefully, transformation.

Responding to the spiritual needs of teens is about building trusting relationships. Idaho City Christian Center strives to walk with young people on their journeys from childhood to adulthood, recognizing their gifts for ministry, their questions about spirituality, and their desire to make a difference in the world. ICCC Youth Ministries strives to build church wide networks to invite, inspire, affirm, and equip youth for discipleship and Christian leadership in their lives and their communities.

We desire that our youth develop hearts that hunger for the Lord, minds that seek His ways, and spirits that long to give Him glory. Sometimes glorifying God will look like a service project or worship night. At other times, it may simply be enjoying the mutual bond we share as believers in Christ through fellowship.

In all things, big or small, we want to give praise to the one who made us and redeemed us by his son, Jesus Christ.

Idaho City Christian Center

3853 ID-21, Idaho City, ID 83631
[email protected]